Edaa has registered the 4 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of October of year 2023 in its systems

Edaa has registered the 4 T-Bills issued by Qatar Central Bank for the month of October of year 2023 in its systems as outlined below:

SymbolNameISIN CodeIssuing DateMaturity DateNominal ValueNumber of T-Bills
TE22 Tbill1m 26102023 QA00021X5686 28-09-2023 26-10-2023 815,000,000 81,500
TE23 Tbill 3m 28122023 QA0003LVFTI8 28-09-2023 28-12-2023 665,000,000 66,500
TE24 Tbill 6m 28032024 QA000A48T2G5 28-09-2023 28-03-2024 1,145,000,000 114,500
TE25 Tbill 9m 27062024 QA00093UYOR2 28-09-2023 27-06-2024 850,000,000 85,000



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